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    What Regulator Do I Need?

    LP Propane Regulators are used on each and every propane installation.

    BUT do you have the right propane regulator for your application? Frequent questions asked include:

    • Do I need a two stage system for whole house heating?
    • Will a Twin Stage work on a pool heater?
    • Can we tie our BBQ and fire pit into the existing gas line?

    Integral Twin Stage Propane Regulator

    Integral Twin Stage Propane Regulators are more commonly used and are more sensible for most installations with a small BTU load inside... BUT in a situation where there is an extreme distance between the tank and house or appliance, a two stage propane regulator system is often the best option. The reason for this has to do with several things including pipe size, total service line distance and appliance BTU demand. A long run (50 ft. and over) from the propane tank to a house with a total load being over 1,000,000 BTU would most likely benefit from a two stage system because an integral twin stage will not supply the propane required that the appliances demand.

    First Stage Propane Regulators – Tank to Line

    First Stage Propane Regulators LV4403TRSeries 200x200 are installed at the propane tank and connected directly to the service valve with a pigtail. If a first stage propane regulator is used, a second stage propane regulator must be installed downstream. In other words, a first stage propane regulator can't be installed independently in an LP Gas system. There must be a second stage propane regulator installed as well. The first stage propane regulator will compensate for differing tank pressures and will deliver into the gas line at a pressure of 10 pounds or less. The purpose of a first stage propane regulator is to deliver propane at an ample pressure to a downstream second stage propane regulator. That's its only job... to ensure that the second stage propane regulator is supplied with propane at a pressure that it needs to do its job. The REGO variations of first stage propane regulators are numerous and while they are all designed to work with propane tank pressures, the outlet pressures differ by model. First and second stage propane regulators must be properly matched so that the overall gas system is safe and functional. Propane companies work with REGO regulators every day and are able to determine what size and type of first stage propane regulator is needed for the requirements of the installation.

    Second Stage Propane Regulators – Line to Appliance

    Second Stage Propane Regulators are not used for decreasing tank pressure and, therefore, must be installed downstream of a first stage propane regulator for safe and proper operation. Any regulator seen installed next to a building, most likely are a second stage propane regulator. Second stage propane regulators work with propane at a pressure supplied by the first stage propane regulator (inlet pressure) and further decrease that to a pressure that can be used by appliances (outlet pressure). Most outlet pressures of second stage propane regulators are measured in inches water column, such as 11" water column. This is the standard propane pressure delivered to household appliances so that they can safely and properly operate. Second stage propane regulators are only designed to operate in combination with first stage propane regulators. One cannot work without the other.

    There's nothing that responds to a little care any better than the LP-Gas regulator. But if it is overlooked, trouble can result. Remember these points:

    1. Size the regulator to your need to your application.
    2. Install the regulator with the vent pointing down on outdoor service. Use a vent line sized for the vent on underground tanks, regulators installed indoors, keep the vent 10' away from any sources of ignition.
    3. Check your pressure, Flow and Lockup.
    4. Keep the regulator clean and vent open. Check it periodically to see that it's not blocked. If the vent has a screen, make certain that it is in place. Protect the regulator and vent from snow and ice. Plugged vents will affect the regulators performance.
    5. Keep in mind that dirt can cause vent leakage and poor lock-up performance. Clean lines and clean gas connections help reduce this problem.
    6. A regulator that has been covered by water during a flood or heavy rain MUST BE REPLACED!

    If you or someone you know needs helping choosing the correct regulator for your application, REMEMBER: You can always reach out to a Tarantin Industries technician.

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    Freehold, NJ 07728

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